Active Apprentice is an employability and workforce solution to the Sport and Physical Activity Sector.
Active apprentice, recruits’ staff via the open job market (or traditional employment), employs them like any other employer, then Active Apprentice will partner with a host employer or multiple employers to place Active Apprentice employees with them to complete work for the host employer, as an agency would. All Active Apprentice employees will be placed onto a Government training schemes to provide training to support them and the host employer.
Empowering both individuals and employers to create sustainable change by developing an agile, resilient and highly skilled workforce fit for the future.
Active Apprentice worked to deliver apprenticeships in Sport and Physical Activity based at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (QEOP) when it opened to the public in April 2014. This was part of the London Olympic Legacy to support the development of new skills into the local community and as part of delivering a sustainable workforce into the old Olympic facilities.
Active Apprentice was established and commissioned by London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) as part of the Olympic Games 2012 legacy partnership and is the only organisation of its kind in the Sports and Physical Activity Sector and holds the only licence to deliver its service in partnership with the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) and the Department for Education.
Active Apprentice is a Government approved Flexi-Jobs Apprenticeship Agency. This means it has a licence from the Department for Education to act as an agency to employ apprentices on behalf of employers, place them with a host employer and provide approved apprenticeship training to the individual. Active Apprentice is the only licensed Flexi-Jobs Apprenticeship Agency in the Sports and Physical Activity Sector in England.
Active Apprentice is part of The Active Workforce Network (TAWN) that provides approved training to the Sports and Physical Activity Sector, providing intelligence driven training to its employees and apprentices.